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Slot Design Report: March 2018

Social Innovations: Invest in more elaborate animation transitions from base to bonus game … this is a new area to awe Plain Jane and Entertain-Me Eddie players RMG Innovations: Add ‘bet strategy options’ to entice auto-spin and increase spin-per-session. Then, check out how one machine is using volatility options to also personalize the play session


Felix Gaming Planet Rocks collects free games and then lets players decide when to trigger the free games bonus

[pigeon_protect]Feature Explanation

  • Free games symbols that land on the reels accumulate
  • Players may collect up to 25 free games and choose when to play by
    clicking the ‘Play’ button above the reels
  • The paytable alerts players that a change in bet resets all accumulated
    free games

[envira-gallery slug=”collect-trigger-free-spins”]

Additional Information

  • Felix Gaming Planet Rocks
  • Release: 2/20/18
  • Player : Night-Out Nancy

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Key Takeaways

  • Adding this type of customization will improve player experience, and as a result, retention. With an opt-in bonus, players may customize their play experience to their specific play session (collecting a small amount of free games in shorter sessions and a longer amount of free games in longer sessions)
  • Consider adding a max auto-trigger option for players with long session lengths that simply want the bonus to trigger at X amount of free games

[/pigeon_protect] [pigeon_display_when access="disabled"][st_icon_box background="#e7e7e7" opacity="1" icon="icon: unlock-alt" icon_color="#ffffff" icon_bg="#444444" border_color="#8c8c8c" icon_spin="no" icon_position="icon-top"]

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