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Slot Design Report: April 2018

Successful innovation requires knowing how much to adjust a proven mechanic. Too little change can cause mechanics to become stale, and too much can be overwhelming for players Opt-in personalization mechanics (not often allowed in real money), is an area of opportunity for social slots designers to develop new, engagement-driving features

Social Casino
Successful innovation requires knowing how much to adjust a proven mechanic. Too little change can cause mechanics to become stale, and too much can be overwhelming for players. For example, the Collect Mini-Stepper Spins feature provides small, yet noticeable, modifications to the already successful mini-stepper bonus mechanic (p. 5). This makes players excited to try something new, while still feeling comfortable.

Opt-in personalization mechanics (not often allowed in real money), is an area of opportunity for social slots designers to develop new, engagement-driving features. Explore how to award massive amounts of free spins while enabling players with Free Spins Opt-Outs (p. 6).

In addition, meta-game mechanics continue to creep—for good reason—into slot machine design. In the Free Spin Challenge Options (p. 7), players may pick their preferred difficulty and corresponding award, similar to the meta-feature SlotoQuest.

RMG EU Online
EU RMG machines provide excellent tools to inform lite players of bet/reward relationships, volatility, and play stats. These types of tools should be tested on social players. See Information Systems for details (p. 9).

If Cash Zones have been successful with your players, read the section Cash Zones Selections to learn how an RMG machine lets players choose the area of their Cash Zone (this also adjusts the bet amount) (p. 10).

Consider an opt-in tutorial to ease lite-to-medium slots players into more complicated features. For more information, check out Opt-In Tutorial (p. 11).

We’re always thinking about new markets we could enter, but it’s only by saying no that you can concentrate on the things that are really important. – Steve Jobs, as quoted in “The Seed of Apple’s Innovation” in BusinessWeek (October  12, 2004)

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  • Collect Mini-Stepper Spins
  • Free Spins Opt-Outs
  • Free Spins Challenge Options


  • Information Systems
  • Cash Zone Selections
  • Opt-In Tutorials


  • Themes
  • Bonus Features


  • Social Casino
  • RMG EU


  • Slots Player Personas
  • Data Collection Process