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Slot Design Report: November 2018

This month’s Report utilizes the new L&G Slots User Personas … built in collaboration with Kinrate Analytics, a team of Finnish professors who specialize in gaming user personas Each year, social casino players are becoming more educated on games and mechanics. Now is the time to evolve game design towards more complicated meta-features to capitalize on this trend

This month’s Report utilizes the new L&G Slots User Personas … built in collaboration with Kinrate Analytics, a team of Finnish professors who specialize in gaming user personas.

Liquid and Grit’s deep slots industry knowledge combined with Kinrate Analytics’ ability to build, analyze, and construct player data, led to the most actionable, data-driven User Persona insights available today.

The L&G User Personas will be applied to the current Slots Design and Casino Reports … and a more detailed, dedicated report with additional product insights will be released as a separate Q4 2018 Online Slots User Persona Report subscription later this year.

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Table of Contents


  • L&G Slots User Personas (NEW)


  • Machine Card Collections
  • Respin Stacks


  • Board Games
  • Latest IPs
  • Base Game Features


  • Notables Releases I & II


  • Slots Product Council

House of Fun’s

Click here for a list of all machines released >>