Slots Design Report: July 2020

In Coin Hunter in Scatter Slots, a free spin bonus lets players add ghosts to a bar above the reels. Free spins last until all ghosts have been eaten or completely fill the bar.

Executive Summary

New Innovations

In Coin Hunter in Scatter Slots, a free spin bonus lets players add ghosts to a bar above the reels. Free spins last until all ghosts have been eaten or completely fill the bar.

Big Fish Casino‘s Banana Bonanza adds blue squares to a shared social bingo board above the reels. Winning bingo lines pay all players who contributed to the bingo.

Slots Trends

Social bonus investments have steadily increased in the past year—averaging 5.7 per quarter for the past three quarters compared to 2.7 for the three preceding quarters.

Mini-game bonus investments have decreased significantly since Q3’19. So far, 2020 has seen an average of 2.5 mini-game releases per quarter compared to 5.3 in 2019.

Social and mini-game bonuses combined made up just 8% of all bonus mechanics released by tracked apps in the past year. By comparison, the top two bonus types—wilds and multipliers—accounted for 32% of releases.

Three apps released 80% of all social bonuses among tracked apps in the past year: POP! Slots, Big Fish Casino, and Jackpot Magic Slots.



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Table of Contents

New Innovations

  • Free Spin Battle Bonus
    • Coin Hunter in Scatter Slots
  • Social Bingo Mini-Game
    • Banana Bonanza in Big Fish Casino

Slots Trends

  • Social Bonus Investment
  • Mini-Game Investment
  • Bonuses by Type
  • Social Bonuses by App

Market Watch

  • Notable Releases


  • Liquid & Grit Slots Personas
  • Premium Partnerships

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