Puzzle Report – January 2018

If gameplay is the heart of a game, then the economy is the blood. It drives D1, D7, and D30 metrics, and is fundamental to overall retention and monetization To help improve your economy, we are excited to provide you with a Puzzle Economy Analysis spreadsheet. It is now downloadable online for subscribers in the Liquid and Grit Toolkit

If gameplay is the heart of a game, then the economy is the blood. It drives D1, D7, and D30 metrics, and is fundamental to overall retention and monetization.

To help improve your economy, we are excited to provide you with a Puzzle Economy Analysis spreadsheet. It is now downloadable online for subscribers in the Liquid and Grit Toolkit.

This spreadsheet allows you to easily adjust the economy numbers. Simply plug your preferred numbers in the orange cells and the model will adjust the output. As always, feel free to contact me with comments or questions at brett.nowak@liquidandgrit.com.

The Live Ops section of this report includes a solid example of opt-in personalization. This allows players to choose different options based on personal preference. This is a safe-bet type of personalization and great way to increase event adoption.

This month we have a deep list of Surprise & Delight recommendations. These are relatively inexpensive features to make players smile … and increase retention. Due to their size, however, their impact is hard to observe in an A/B test. So these features are often best released to 100%. Gummy Drop’s option to hide a popup is a perfect example of this kind of feature that makes a small, but meaningful, impact on players.

Lead courageously.

“Courage is the main quality of leadership, in my opinion, no matter where it is exercised. Usually it implies some risk—especially in new undertakings.” – Walt Disney, in ‘The Magic of Teamwork’

Brett Nowak


  • Referral Competition
  • Surprise & Delight


  • Varied Challenges


  • New Designs


  • Top Grossing 1 – 10
  • Top Grossing 11 – 20
  • Top Grossing 21 – 30


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