Puzzle Report: November 2018

Liquid and Grit partnered with Quadrant Strategies, a market research strategy company, to present unbiased, expert-level insights on Best Fiend lite payers Angry Birds Match revenue increased 39% 2Wo2W after the release of Leagues. Positioning players against others with relatively similar engagement and skill is key to increasing feature-driven spend Angry Birds 2 revenue climbed 27% 2Wo2W after content was released that allows players to tackle levels with a Timed Helper character ... at certain times of the day. Downloads were up 10% during that same time period … also contributing to the revenue growth

Key Points

  1. Liquid and Grit partnered with Quadrant Strategies, a market research strategy company, to present unbiased, expert-level insights on Best Fiend lite payers
  2. Angry Birds Match revenue increased 39% 2Wo2W after the release of Leagues. Positioning players against others with relatively similar engagement and skill is key to increasing feature-driven spend
  3. Angry Birds 2 revenue climbed 27% 2Wo2W after content was released that allows players to tackle levels with a Timed Helper character … at certain times of the day. Downloads were up 10% during that same time period … also contributing to the revenue growth
  4. Recently released level designs: Washing Machine, Dirt, and Cannon are reviewed by our Level Design Expert

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Table of Contents


  • Best Fiends Payers: Summary


  • Leagues
  • Timed Helpers


  • Boost Reduction


  • New Level Designs I-IV


  • Notable Releases I & II


  • Best Fiends Payers: Details
  • Puzzle Product Council
  • Player Motivations
  • Puzzle Personas

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