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Puzzle Report: February 2018

Build event-specific currencies to keep the economy healthy … while monetizing the event Release extremely hard levels with unlimited lives to excite players in a relatively inexpensive event Piggy Banks are becoming a must-have feature in Puzzle


Consider trading (as part of your currency monetization roadmap) and game preferences and backup (for monetizing on Android and older iOS devices)

[pigeon_protect]Key Takeaways:

  • Closely review the App Performance options that will help monetization on Android and older devices on iOS (where these settings can have a real impact on game performances)
  • Go deep on personalization options. In the tutorial flow, impatient players who can’t wait can easily SKIP the tutorial. Players who love a great story can go through the entire tutorial experience
  • Consider giving very loyal players both a daily and total number of days free coin bonus to drive retention
  • Build a trading system to increase economy liquidity for apps with more complicated currency systems … or if you start to release event-specific currencies

Dragon Ball Z Economy Analysis

App Performance Options during Onboarding:

  • Upon install, players are given performance options and instructions for device storage and battery

[envira-gallery slug=”app-preferences-dragon-ball-z”]

Data Backup and Switch Device Flow:

  • The app has a detailed instruction flow to backup the device

[envira-gallery slug=”data-backup-dragon-ball-z”]

Story-Based Tutorial and SKIP options:

  • Players choose to either go through a long tutorial story or press SKIP
  • The tutorial includes animation, narrative, and character development
  • Only 10 of the many steps in the tutorial are included in the images

[envira-gallery slug=”tutorial-dragon-ball-z”]

Free Currency Bonuses:

  • The two-part daily bonus consists of total logins and consecutive logins
  • During login events, additional bonuses are awarded…as seen in Super Power-Up Login Bonus

[envira-gallery slug=”free-currency-bonuses-dragon-ball-z”]

Trading Currency and Boosts (Exchange System):

  • The Exchange lets players convert characters and boosts for Trade Points
  • Players may then acquire other items and exchange currencies into boosts or other currencies

[envira-gallery slug=”trading-currency-and-boosts-exchange-system-dragon-ball-z”]

World Tournaments Competition:

  • The tournament is played in 4 rounds: Prelim, Quarterfinal, Semifinal, and Final
  • There are 4 leagues with 3 tiers in each league
  • Points are earned by completing tournament missions. Final overall and local ranks are rewarded
  • Review Online Match PvP – Puzzle Fighter for another solid competition example

[envira-gallery slug=”world-tournaments-competition-dragon-ball-z”]

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