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Puzzle Report: December 2018

From L1-25, Levels generally contribute the biggest inflow of value to a player's wallet. Build the economy first for heavy payers to ensure strong early monetization. For retention, keep players in suspense by completing levels close to failure. To drive engagement and test changes efficiently, push early users to ancillary mechanics. The three-day Bake Sale event in Matchington Mansion drove a 24% WoW increase with the October release ... and, an 11% WoW increase with the November release. Utilize Drop items to increase Loss Aversion and create value with Rare items. Consider adding a Leaderboard for highly-engaged players.

From L1-25, Levels generally contribute the biggest inflow of value to a player’s wallet. A detailed teardown of the economy inflow for L1-25 in five of the top-grossing Puzzle apps can be downloaded online.

The three-day Bake Sale Event in Matchington Mansion drove a 24% WoW increase in revenue with the October release … and, an 11% WoW increase with the November release. 

Panda Pop disabled the end-of-all-levels feature VIP Mode that allowed players to go back and play any game level.  [pigeon_protect] Download Puzzle Report Download L1-25 Economy Spreadsheet [/pigeon_protect] [pigeon_display_when access="disabled"][st_icon_box background="#e7e7e7" opacity="1" icon="icon: unlock-alt" icon_color="#ffffff" icon_bg="#444444" border_color="#8c8c8c" icon_spin="no" icon_position="icon-top"]

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Table of Contents


  • L1-25 Economy Spreadsheet
  • L1-25 Economy Advice


  • Level-Based Item Drops


  • VIP Mode in Panda Pop


  • New Level Designs I, II, & III


  • Notable Releases I & II


  • Puzzle Product Council
  • Player Motivations
  • Puzzle Personas

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