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Puzzle Product: March 2018

Review how Angry Birds 2 uses new Collection Sets to drive revenue ... with a deeply integrated Hat feature that is tied to purchases, retention bonus, and competition See our deep analysis of Subscriptions … not only for a potential step-function (but higher beta) revenue feature, but also for app Install protection To drive retention for harder-core players, check out Seekers Notes adaptation of a proven mechanic from Idle Games called Prestiging


Review how Angry Birds 2 uses new Collection Sets to drive revenue … with a deeply integrated Hat feature that is tied to purchases, retention bonus, and competition.

See our deep analysis of Subscriptions … not only for a potential step-function (but higher beta) revenue feature, but also for app Install protection.

To drive retention for harder-core players, check out Seekers Notes adaptation of a proven mechanic from Idle Games called Prestiging.

This month’s Level Designs include new boosts for your level design team … in addition to new level mechanics.

In the Market Watch, glean a snapshot of recent feature releases. Chests were utilized within a variety of apps. Angry Birds 2 released cash tournaments. And, leagues appear to be coming soon in Homescapes.

“To all who come to this happy place: Welcome. Disneyland is your land. Here age relives fond memories of the past, and here youth may savor the challenge and promise of the future.”  – Walt Disney, Speech on the opening day of Disneyland (July 17, 1955)

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Table of Contents


  • Collection Sets
  • Subscriptions


  • Prestiging


  • Boosts & Level Mechanics


  • Notable Features I
  • Notable Features II


  • Player Motivations
  • Data Collection Process

Continue on to the Market Watch to see every feature released >>