Invent an exciting ‘tomorrow bonus’. Expand social events. Shift player behavior by focusing on bet levels [pigeon_protect] Let players bet on the next days’ bonus: In Poker Heat, players are told that their daily bonus for the next day will change based on the odds of the Cleveland/Golden State basketball game that night. Make things […]

Invent an exciting ‘tomorrow bonus’. Expand social events. Shift player behavior by focusing on bet levels


  • Let players bet on the next days’ bonus: In Poker Heat, players are told that their daily bonus for the next day will change based on the odds of the Cleveland/Golden State basketball game that night. Make things more interesting by letting players bet, and awarding smaller/larger bonuses the next day based on results (image 1).
  • Upsell players with the option to collect a free piggy bank or purchase a larger one: In DoubleU Casino’s Golden Piggy Booster Pack, players may collect 100K coins for free or buy a pack to get more Golden Piggy Pot Bonus (image 2).
  • Tie bet up mechanics into the event: In House of Fun’s Golden Raffle, players must spin with at least two golden symbols (image 3). Golden symbols are based on the bet amount … a very popular mechanic used in House of Fun machines (image 4).
  • Reward players with new machine access and larger packages when they complete a collection with spins and purchases: In Infinity Slots’ Lucky Box, players collect four puzzle pieces to unlock discounts on their next purchase and gain access to new machines (images 5 & 6).

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