June 2022 Slots Design Report

Lotsa Slots' Gem King Super Social includes a Coin Master-inspired mini-game directly within the machine. This is part of an early trend of machines using mechanics that have historically appeared as features.

Coin Master-Inspired Machine

Download the June Slots Design Report

Lotsa SlotsGem King Super Social includes a Coin Master-inspired mini-game directly within the machine. This is part of an early trend of machines using mechanics that have historically appeared as features (see the May Slots Design Report for more information).

In order to offer a deep progression without inflating the app’s overall economy, Gem King Super Social’s mini-game uses two currencies that are exclusive to the machine. But because the mini-game doesn’t award primary currency, Gem King Super Social must rely on social mechanics and upgrades to motivate players to progress. 

Download the June Slots Design Report for our complete analysis.