June 2016: Social Casino Product Report

Our first recommendation involves the primary coin bonus, one of the most important yet least innovative features in social casino. We break down several social casino and non-casino games to analyze the full potential of this significant feature. Apple just announced that the App Store will offer subscriptions to all developers. In light of this, […]

Our first recommendation involves the primary coin bonus, one of the most important yet least innovative features in social casino. We break down several social casino and non-casino games to analyze the full potential of this significant feature.

Apple just announced that the App Store will offer subscriptions to all developers. In light of this, we have researched the top-grossing entertainment and information apps to recommend subscription best practices.

The Economy Deep Dive section breaks down Infinity Slots, a game that was first released February 25, 2016, and is now the 25th highest grossing social casino game on iOS. Murka’s success, both with Infinity Slots and Scatter Slots, demonstrates the value of quality and innovation in social casino.


  • Primary coin bonuses
  • Subscriptions
  • Welcome back bonuses
  • One-click purchases
  • Cash-back mechanics


  • Contests and Vault – Caesars Slots
  • Wizard’s Challenge released – Wizard of Oz Slots
  • VIP Room – Infinity Slots


  • Infinity Slots

[pigeon_protect]June 2016 Social Casino Product Report[/pigeon_protect]