July 2017: Slots Design Report

“A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great hockey player plays where the puck is going to be.” – Wayne Gretzky This month we continue to see innovation in jackpot triggers. Caesars Slots’ Rapid Fire: Liberty Bash machine offers three different ways for players to win jackpots. The combination of progressive jackpots […]

“A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great hockey player plays where the puck is going to be.” – Wayne Gretzky

This month we continue to see innovation in jackpot triggers. Caesars Slots’ Rapid Fire: Liberty Bash machine offers three different ways for players to win jackpots. The combination of progressive jackpots with jackpots (stand alone) continues to grow in popularity. This mechanic is included in Heart of Vegas’ two new Lightning Link machines. See New Innovations and Market Trends for details.

Up-and-coming trends in social casino include ‘wheels only’ and progression systems during the bonus game. Adding a progression system to the bonus game makes it even harder to complete, which is a great system for high value players.

Consider adding lines and pays during the bonus game to increase volatility for players. Two examples of how to improve reels for players include: a Feature Repeat Win, adopted in House of Fun’s Texas Bighorn, and additional lines added to a flipped reel set, used in Hot Shot Casino’s Dean Martin’s: Vegas Shindig.

In this report, you will find new statistical details in the Deep Dives, including a breakdown of the bonus game RTP, and raw win and bonus game win distribution.

Play where the puck is going.




Social: New

Social: Re-skin

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