External Payments Deep Dive Tool Kit

Our External Payments Deep Dive Report examines the most important factors that determine whether you should develop a web store and how to design it successfully. 

Download the External Payments Deep Dive Report

Apple and Google are facing greater pressure to allow external paymentsystems (like web stores). And several major publishers are already driving purchases outside of Apple’s and Google’s stores, which allows them to avoid those platforms’ large transaction fees.

Our External Payments Deep Dive Report examines the most important factors that determine whether you should develop a web store and how to design it successfully. 

During our research, we analyzed external payment systems in every major market, interviewed players, and dug into the ongoing legal battles between platforms and publishers. In addition to the report itself, you can also find detailed teardowns of specific apps’ web stores in our External Payments Research Document.

Download the External Payments Deep Dive Report for our complete analysis.