Executive Summary Revenue Driver After the release of Card Album Euro Cruise, Bingo Party's revenue was +45% and downloads were +15% 2Mo2M. This series of collection events maintains players' progress throughout the year for increased rewards and...
Casino Reports
Category: Casino Reports
Casino Report: May 2020
Executive Summary Revenue Driver Lotsa Slots' revenue was +18% and downloads were +4% 50Do50D after the initial release of Mission Blitz. This period also includes the release of Mission Blitz Season 2. Product Trends Casino apps have been...
Casino Report: April 2020
Executive Summary Poker Face - Live Texas Holdem by Comunix Ltd March revenue and downloads for Poker Face - Live Texas Holdem spiked +64% and +390% MoM, respectively. This rapid growth coincided with the implementation of social distancing...
Casino Report: March 2020
Executive Summary JJ Dou Dizhu by JJWorld (Beijing) Network Technology JJ Dou Dizhu (JJ斗地主-欢乐棋牌休闲合集) is a top-grossing casino app in China. Starting on 1/24/20, revenue was +25% and downloads were +172% MoM, likely driven by COVID-19 isolation...
Quantifying Player Engagement
How does a player come to love a game? By analyzing the behavior of millions of Candy Crush Saga players scientists quantified progression and churn as a competition between relative difficulty and engagement. From 2014 to 2016 scientists studied a...
Manual Session Analysis Offers a More Intimate Understanding of User Experience
Product teams like to assume they either know their users or that they need mounds of data to do so. Oleg Yakubenkov, CEO of product management simulator GoPractice, outlines how analyzing behavior without big data can give product managers real...
This Week in Games: Roblox Raises Funding, Word Games Poised to Expand
On episode 72 of This Week in Games, Sensor Tower speculates that the word game genre will continue to grow, and Roblox raises $150 million with the help of Andreessen Horowitz. The State of Word Games Future modeling using Sensor Tower’s store...
Four Ideas to Improve Your Tutorial
Like the opening credits of a film, the tutorial is often a wasted opportunity. Regardless of how easy you think your game is, the tutorial is the player’s first experience with your game, and it counts. 75% of mobile users who download a game only...
Grow a Strong Community Around Your Game
Community engagement is a massive part of any game developer’s marketing strategy, and the goals are simple–engage players, let them enjoy the game on multiple levels, and encourage them to support the devs and tell their friends. Here are...
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