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Casino Report: March 2018

Deeply integrated versions of Collections, titled Collection Sets, are generating value in both the Casino and Puzzle markets. Consider either upgrading a current Collection system or making this an upcoming Bold Beat feature Caesars Slots expanded on Collection Sets by adding stories and chests. More elaborate features, like this one, are becoming the norm … adjust your roadmap and mindset accordingly

This month we added a new section, Impact Features, highlighting features that drove observable revenue. New Innovations now covers features without observable revenue, but that could either improve retention and/or have potential upside on the next iteration.

Impact Features
Deeply integrated versions of Collections, titled Collection Sets, are generating value in both the Casino and Puzzle markets. Consider either upgrading a current Collection system or making this an upcoming Bold Beat feature.

For a revenue-driving event, add a raffle mechanic to an already successful jackpot-based event to increase whale participation and spend. See Jackpot Raffles for more details.

To extend the value of a successful event, release a pay-to-unlock version shortly after the event’s initial release. Read through Daily Streak Events to see how Poker Heat capitalized on back-to-back events.

New Innovations
Caesars Slots expanded on Collection Sets by adding stories and chests. More elaborate features, like this one, are becoming the norm … adjust your roadmap and mindset accordingly.

Market Watch
The market invested heavily in Collections. Huuuge Casino released more iterations of Insurance Deals. Product Madness continued to release events. And, Pokerist added slot machines.

“We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard; because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills …” – John F. Kennedy

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Table of Contents


  • Collection Sets
  • Jackpot Raffles
  • Daily Streak Events


  • Collections with Storylines


  • Notable Features I
  • Notable Features II


  • Player Motivations
  • Data Collection Process

Continue on to the Market Watch to see every feature released >>