Casino Report: April 2019

Zynga’s, Game of Thrones Slots, will offer players three core features: daily quests, clubs with group competitions, and collections. The machines and features throughout the app are heavily influenced by the IP.


Caesars Slots released an initially free mini-game event that helped grow revenue by 13% WoW. This less-prohibitive flow, which is an innovative twist on the spin-to-play framework, can be applied to almost any event system. Review this section to learn how this method can increase event adoption and engagement. 


Zynga’s Game of Thrones Slots will offer players three core features: daily quests, clubs with group competitions, and card collections. The machines and features throughout the app are heavily influenced by the IP. Review this section to quickly understand all of the app’s features. Then, utilize the Feature Database to see specific screenshots and game flows … before it goes live in all GEOs.


This report reviews four apps released in Q4 2018 that are now top 100 grossing in the iOS Casino category. Three of the apps adopted a Plus One product strategy, building very similar features to current top grossing apps … while making some improvements. Go through this section to see the latest top grossing competition, and to bookmark our online spreadsheet that lists the top 200 grossing Casino category apps by release date.  


From install to level 25, the Extended Economy Casino.xlsx details the economy inflow and outflow from 10 top grossing Casino apps. Use this section and the downloadable spreadsheet to shift value in the new user economy out of relatively generic bonuses … and into more delineative features and events. 


Review this section for highlights from the most recent releases. Then, go to the Data Tool in the Client Portal to see everything new released in Casino … with the ability to open images and videos of any feature, event, and machine with a single click.



[pigeon_display_when access="disabled"][st_icon_box background="#e7e7e7" opacity="1" icon="icon: unlock-alt" icon_color="#ffffff" icon_bg="#444444" border_color="#8c8c8c" icon_spin="no" icon_position="icon-top"]

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Table of Contents


  • Mini-Game Events
    • Thirst for Riches in Caesars Slots


  • Game of Thrones Slots by Zynga


  • Double Win Casino by
  • Tycoon Casino by Triwin Games
  • Slots Casino Jackpot Mania by Grande Games
  • Bingo Infinity by Uken Games


  • Economy Inflow (less Slots)
  • Bonus Inflow
  • Additional Resources


  • Notable Releases I & II


  • Premium Partnerships
  • L&G Slots Personas

Review all features and machines released in the Data Tool by filtering ‘Year’ and ‘Month’ >>