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Casino Report – January 2018

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a one minute, 25 fps video is worth 1.5 million. The ability to share video is one reason we posted our analysis of House of Fun HoF Legends online You can also download online the economy breakdowns of 49 casino apps in our Casino Economy Analysis spreadsheet. With this tool, you can easily adjust player engagement levels to build new economies for different player types

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a one minute, 25 fps video is worth 1.5 million. The ability to share video is one reason we posted our analysis of House of Fun HoF Legends online. Included is a detailed analysis of the feature’s economy in an easily downloadable Excel file. Review Legends Collections Analysis

You can also download online the economy breakdowns of 49 casino apps in our Casino Economy Analysis spreadsheet. With this tool, you can easily adjust player engagement levels to build new economies for different player types. Download Casino Economy Analysis

To quickly find features, live ops, and machines discussed in previous reports, use the new online Search functionality. If you are sensing our shift to more online content, you are correct. We want to provide you with deeper content and analysis to use on your next great feature…or next top grossing app.  Search Liquid and Grit Online

We are also very excited to host an Analyst Roundtable Conference Call on January 31st. The discussion topic of this call will be competitive intelligence best practices. The participants will include many leading Analysts at top casino and puzzle companies. This call is for Analysts, but key takeaways will be posted online for all Liquid and Grit members. Email me for more information

Understand emotional motivations.

“People don’t want to buy a quarter-inch drill, they want a quarter-inch hole.” – Theodore Levitt, Economist

Brett Nowak



  • Mission Journeys


  • Top Grossing 1 – 15
  • Top Grossing 16 – 45
  • Top Grossing Bingo & Poker



  • Player Motivations
  • Data Collection Process

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