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August 2021 Casual Report

Mini-game events have the second greatest estimated revenue impact in casual.* In the past 12 months, they averaged +4.9% revenue WoW with a median of +2.5% and a standard deviation of +/- 18%. Despite their strong revenue impact, mini-games are not frequently released in casual apps.

Mini-game event IAPs drive revenue

Download the full August Casual Report

Mini-game events have an estimated revenue impact of +5%, the second largest of any major event type in casual. Despite this, they are one of the least released.

Mini-games drive revenue by providing opportunities to sell IAP bundles of lives or boosts. To demonstrate how to successfully pair IAPs with mini-games, we analyzed Ice Cream Race, a new mini-game event in Best Fiends.

During Ice Cream Race, players beat new levels to earn dice that allow them to advance on a game board. Characters on the board grant rewards and eventually unlock a hero skin.

Download the full August Casual Report to learn why overarching progressions boost engagement and how you can increase purchases by emphasizing what players stand to lose.